Don’t Worry, Be Happy
Matt Carrell 6-15-2014
Genesis 30:13 Leah called him Asher for she was happy.
I Kings 10:8 Queen of Sheba was amazed at the happiness of Solomon’s men because of his wisdom.
Job 5:17 God’s correction causes happiness.
128th Psalm:1-4 The whole family shall be happy and blessed who fear the Lord and walk in His ways.
146th Psalm:5 Any man who has God’s help and who hopes in God is happy.
John 13:15-17 If we do as Christ did for our example, we are happy.
Romans 14:22 When we act in a way and are sure that is not condemning to us in our personal lives, we are happy.
James 5:11, 13 When we endure we are happy. We should sing.
I Peter 3:14; 4:14 Suffering for righteousness and being reproached for Christ makes us happy.
The world can not understand this, but Christians need not worry in this life; just obey, trust in God, don’t worry, be happy–Eternal Life is coming!!